A Few Out Of The Box Ideas For A Buck’s Party
If you’re in charge of organising a buck’s party for one of your good mates, you’re probably sick to death of hearing the same old suggestions over and over again – if you actually like your friend, you’re probably not wanting to do something generic for him, after all. Considering some more creative ideas for the buck’s can not only make the day itself fun, it can create some far more memorable and exciting memories. In this article, we take a look at a few interesting ideas to make your next buck’s organisation a little bit more interesting.
Making your buck’s party the best possible time
Although you might immediately think about hiring some private strippers in Melbourne, it’s never a bad idea to think about some more creative things first (you can get back to the strippers later). One of the first things you can consider is what activities you can do outside – too many buck’s parties are all about staying inside in dank rooms, and a bit of fresh air can act as a very refreshing experience. If your friend loves a bit of adrenaline, you might want to consider looking into mountain biking, white water rafting or sandboarding – all activities that can induce a rush while giving you a tan! If they prefer a more chilled out vibe but still like the great outdoors, planning a hike to a cabin in the woods is one of the best things you can do, particularly if you stock up the cabin well before you leave on the hike! if you’re wanting a thriftier option with the same overall feeling, a big camping trip can mean some fantastic bonding under the stars and plenty of good yarns with cold beers.
Have a friend who prefers the indoors?
Even if you’re friend isn’t interested in the potential of getting dirty, there are still loads of options that are more interesting than the traditional fare boring bucks opt for. If you’re wanting everyone to go on a bit of adventure in teams, organising a massive photo scavenger hunt can make for some interesting photos to view later one – putting things like “hug a stranger” and “drink a beer as quickly as possible” can make for some amusing moments, plus they’re all memories that the buck can look back on long into the future. Although a buck’s party should absolutely be about eating, have you ever considered preparing your own gourmet food? If your friend is a foodie, they might really appreciate you bringing in a professional chef to teach the gang how to cook some amazing meals. Pair the food with some high quality wine and some good music and you’re in for an amazing time! Plus your mates might learn some much-needed skills at the end of the day – skills which their better half will be very appreciative of.
Plan something that no one will forget!
Ruling out some of the more boring and obvious choices like pub crawls, clubbing, and booze cruises can mean you and your friends have a much more memorable experience. After all, who really wants to hear about your generic party at your generic pub? By planning something that is out of the box, you’ll be guaranteed to create some stories that won’t be forgotten.